Tablets on Campus: The Changing Face of Higher Education
2010: iPad is launched by Steve Jobs. Life will never be the same.
4 years later: a projected 103 million tablets (iPads and others) are projected to be sold
The Amazing growth in sales of tablets
• 2011: 19.5 million sold
• 2012: 54 million
• 2013: 103.4 million
• 2014: 103 million (projected)
• 2015: tablets will account for 23 percent of the global personal computer market.
Tablet ownership among college students and college-bound high school seniors has more than tripled from a year ago.
Ownership of college students
• 82% own Computers (Desktop/Laptop)
• 80% own Smartphone
• 52% own MP3 Player
• 47% own Digital Camera
• 18% own Tablets
• 14% own E-Reader
90: percentage of all tablet owning college students that say tablets are valuable for educational purposes
35: percentage of college students owning both a tablet and an e-book reader.
46: percentage of tablet owners who say that they intend to buy another tablet within the next 6 months
6 in 10: college students say tablets help them study more efficiently — and better in class.
63%: Of College students believe tablets will replace textbooks within the next 5 years.
83: percentage of students think tablets encourage them to buy digital textbooks instead of print textbooks.
8 in 10: college students say tablets make learning more fun.
7 in 10: Have read digital textbooks. One year ago, it was 6 in 10.
Tablets vs. Smartphones
75 percent of reading sessions occur on tablets
23 percent occur on smartphones.
2 percent occur on E-readers and game consoles
3X Users read three times as many pages on tablets as they read on smartphones
Best Tablets, 2013
1. iPad Air
2. iPad Mini 2 with Retina Display
3. Google Nexus 7
4. Sony Xperia Tablet Z
5. LG G Pad 83
Did You Know?:
The Brazilian government bought 500,000 tablets for local teachers.
94: percentage of the educational market for tablets held by Apple…says Apple
What’s so cool about an iPad
• Driving Games and Super Monkey Ball are awesome on it!
• It’s the world’s best digital frame
• it’s nice to touch
• it’s nice to play with.
• The iPad Air is lighter and faster than the iPad 2, with a better screen to boot.
Why students Use tablets.
Accessing educational apps
Web browsing/checking e-mail
Accessing online courses
Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Reading ebooks
Taking notes, tracking data, events or observations
Productivity tools (reminder, calculator)
Recording audio/video